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conceive英语conceive英文释义conceive英文conceive英语单词conceive英语怎么读Cycle are in possession of a special yogic power (yog bal) by which they conceive children.  Barrett, David V. The New Believers. Cassell & Co. 2001: 265。

Cycle are in possession of a special yogic power (yog bal) by which they conceive children.  Barrett, David V. The New Believers. Cassell & Co. 2001: 265。

然后定义自己。因为人在开始时一无所有,只是后来才成为什么。 ” 。。因此无所谓人性,因为没有上帝去创造这个概念,人赤裸裸地存在。这不是想像中(conceive)的自己,而是意欲(will)成为什么就是什么;他存在之后,才能想像他自己是什么, 这是在他跃进存在之后意欲的(what he wills himself。

ran hou ding yi zi ji 。 yin wei ren zai kai shi shi yi wu suo you , zhi shi hou lai cai cheng wei shen me 。 ” 。 。 yin ci wu suo wei ren xing , yin wei mei you shang di qu chuang zao zhe ge gai nian , ren chi luo luo di cun zai 。 zhe bu shi xiang xiang zhong ( c o n c e i v e ) de zi ji , er shi yi yu ( w i l l ) cheng wei shen me jiu shi shen me ; ta cun zai zhi hou , cai neng xiang xiang ta zi ji shi shen me , zhe shi zai ta yue jin cun zai zhi hou yi yu de ( w h a t h e w i l l s h i m s e l f 。

格里芬诗歌奖履历 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 格里芬诗歌奖诗朗诵视频 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Louise Glück — Can I Only Love That I Conceive? (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 路易丝·格吕克论文,耶鲁大学美国文学、拜内克古籍善本和手稿图书馆资源。


generally characteristic of mental phenomena. For example, we do not commonly conceive of the feeling of affection for another person as having mass or location。

Pablo de Felipe. Georges Lemaître, the Scientist and Priest who "Could Conceive the Beginning of the Universe" - Articles. BioLogos. 2017-08-23 [2020-10-31]。


《荒野庄园的房客》(英文:The Tenant of Wildfell Hall),英国文学家安妮·勃朗特(英文:Anne Brontë)1848年出版的写实小说,风格纯朴平淡。 海伦(Helen)是怀德菲尔庄园的房客,外表年轻又长得美丽,却据说是位寡妇,她的邻居们常因她的神秘行为而产生怀疑及议论。。


president, Demetrio Mardini, asks Armitage to give the data on how Thirds can conceive so humanity can create a race of beings who exist to serve. She refuses。

斯说他“不能想像任何人如何(也许除了托勒密之外)可以扭转这曲折的过程和演变,较后来艰涩难解的希腊文出自於过去原来比较简单的语言(cannot conceive how anyone (except perhaps Ptolemy) could have reversed the process and。

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《conceive英文解释,conceive英文释义》